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Carmichael Times

"Why We Bird"

Nov 04, 2015 12:00AM ● By Anonymous

"Why We Bird" [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

David C. Rice, author of “Why We Bird,” will be speaker at the Nov. 19th meeting of Sacramento Audubon.

The public is invited to the 7 p.m. meeting at Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Ancil Hoffman Park (for directions see

There will be no charge for the program or parking, and no park-entry fee.

Rice will tell stories from his book on his birding trips up and down California for the last 40 years. The tales will illustrate some of the reasons we all go birding.

A past member of the Golden Gate Audubon Society Board of Directors and co-leader of their backpack trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park for the past 34 years, Rice has made a project of finding at least 158 birds in each of California’s 58 counties.

His book, published by the Golden Gate Audubon Society in December 2013, will be available at the meeting.

Source: Sacramento Audubon