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Carmichael Times

Scott Jones

Dec 14, 2015 12:00AM ● By Source: Republicans of River City

“Sheriff Scott Jones will work in Congress to help keep us all safe;” that’s what Carl Burton, president of Republicans of River City (RRC) said as he announced that once again RRC has endorsed Sheriff Scott Jones for election.

On Nov. 17th, 2009 RRC was the first organization in Sacramento County to endorse Scott for elected office. Scott Jones was Captain in the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department at that time.

And history was repeated this Nov. 17th, 2015 when RRC endorsed Sheriff Scott Jones for election to Congress.

Burton said, “Illegal immigration impacts all of us and RRC members feel we need a Sheriff in Congress who recognizes this and after the tragic killings that occurred in Sacramento and Placer County last year by an illegal alien who was twice deported we know Sheriff Jones will take our concerns to Washington and do something about it.”

And, Burton said, we were encouraged when Scott said, “We need to secure our borders for very real reasons as we saw in Paris last Friday.” And Jones went on to say, “You have to deal with the folks who are here-most of whom are very hard-working and contribute greatly to this community…”

Burton said, “For over 12 years our RRC members each month have welcomed new America citizens at Sacramento’s naturalization ceremony because Republicans recognize the invaluable contribution that immigrants make to our nation every single day. Our ancestors brought the same core values that our nation holds so dear: family, liberty, and, yes, hard work.

“Having watched Sheriff Jones on the front lines working to keep all of us safe, we know he will bring his strong work ethic to Congress to help keep us all safe in the future,” Burton said.