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Carmichael Times

'Tis the Season

Dec 22, 2015 12:00AM ● By Commentary by C. P. McCauley

Everyone seems to be rushing, so many things to do. Will it all be ready in time?

After having experienced many Christmas seasons, I sometimes wonder if we have lost the true spirit of the season with the seemingly constant shuffle of shopping, cooking, gift wrapping, and on and on. Friends, neighbors, family members, and complete strangers are making an effort to be nice. That is a good thing, of course, but shouldn’t we try to be nice all year long?

Perhaps if we keep busy, it will make it easier not to think of “the stuff” that requires real effort and for a longer time. Here come some suggestions that could apply to all of us. And, yes, I am including myself.

Forget about dieting. Instead, take food to a homeless shelter.

Want to go shopping? OK. The Salvation Army could use some new clothes, like the ones you are about to discard.

On your way to the beauty salon for your stylish haircut, get some toiletries and simple beauty supplies for the abused Women’s Center in your community.

Going to lunch with a friend? Include someone from the skill senior facility near you. Or, better yet, bring treats to the center and share them with some of the senior residents who seldom have company from the outside.

How about a visit to a hospital? Oh, that might be depressing, you tell yourself. Try it once. You could be giving someone a nice break.

Let our veterans know you appreciate their sacrifice and listen to their war stories. We owe them so much. Plus, it could be fun!

And speaking of fun, try reading stories to small children. Whether at a pediatric unit of a hospital or at a public library in your community, it is guaranteed that you’ll love it!

If you qualify, have you looked into being a foster parent, or a big sister or brother to a not-so-small kid?

Take the time to listen to someone. Really listen. It is a wonder that the most joyous season of the year is also the time when most suicides take place, especially among young adults. It is also the time when depression tends to increase. Just thinking of all the loved ones that are no longer with us will make us nostalgic. Talking with someone may make it easier.

So, if you are looking to make some New Year’s resolutions and be nice all year long, read this again. And, Season greetings, happy holidays and merry Christmas!