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Carmichael Times

Senator Nielsen Releases Statement on Revenue Budget Forecast

Dec 23, 2015 12:00AM ● By Source: Senator Jim Nielsen's Office

Vice Chair of the Senate Budget Committee Senator Jim Nielsen (R-Gerber) issued the following statement regarding the legislative analyst’s strong revenue budget forecast for 2016-17:

“With a strong revenue projection, we must address the inadequate funding for those individuals with developmental disabilities. Contrary to the proposal by the administration and Democrat lawmakers, there is no need to raise taxes to keep the promise made to parents and family members that their loved ones will be cared for and fully integrated into the community.

“Increased access to medical care should be a budget priority. There is little incentive for healthcare professionals to take in medical patients. We have an opportunity to encourage doctors to accept more patients. We must increase the medical reimbursement rates for them.”

Senate Republicans introduced legislative proposals in the special session to help the developmental services community achieve additional funding. The two proposals are SBX2-4 and SBX2-11. SBX2-4 (Nielsen/Stone) was introduced on July 16th and would provide DDS with the means to fund targeted rate increases for regional center and providers through any General Fund surplus revenues. It would also provide the same for Medi-Cal providers through funding from the Department of Health Care Services with these increases being made retroactive to July 1st, 2015.

SBX2-11 (Stone), also introduced on July 16th, would require the proceeds and any net savings from the closure of the state’s three remaining state Developmental Centers be dedicated exclusively for the use of providing services to people with developmental disabilities.