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Carmichael Times

California to Divest from Israeli Discrimination

Jan 11, 2016 12:00AM ● By Source: Office of Assemblyman Travis Allen

Recently, Assemblyman Travis Allen (R-Huntington Beach) introduced AB 1551, The California-Israel Commerce Protection Act, to require the State of California to divest from companies that boycott Israel.

“The United States and Israel have historically stood together as allies due to our unique bond founded on shared values, a bilateral trade relationship, and our unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy,” said Assemblyman Travis Allen. “Any company that is intentionally inflicting economic harm upon California’s trading partners weakens our ability to conduct business and harms the vital economic interests of our state. Further, boycotts of countries often derive from ethnic, religious, racial, or nationality discrimination, which directly contradicts the values of California citizens.”

In 2014, California exported over $2.3 billion in goods to Israel, making it the state’s 18th largest export destination. Manufactured commodities are the largest export category for California, with over $1.6 billion, representing nearly 70 percent of all exports to Israel.

AB 1551 will prohibit the State of California from investing in companies that boycott Israel. Specifically, any company “engaging in actions that are politically motivated and are intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or otherwise limit commercial relations with the State of Israel or companies based in the State of Israel or in territories controlled by the State of Israel”.

“Israel is recognized around the world as the strongest democratically-elected government in the Middle East, which is one of the many reasons the nation’s relationship with the United States is imperative to the security and strength of California,” said Assemblyman Travis Allen. “It is unconscionable for our state to do business with companies that play politics and boycott our critical allies. California has developed long-standing social, political, and economic partnerships with the State of Israel that should not be cast aside by politicians.”