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Carmichael Times

First Responders Give All

Apr 02, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Patrick Larenas

Fire Station 65 on 11201 Coloma Rd, Gold River. Photo by Patrick Larenas

First Responders Give All [3 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

GOLD RIVER, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District honors the sacrifices of its first responders who put their lives and health at risk in order to maintain safe communities. In earnest appreciation of this, on March 11, 2020, the Fire District took some moments to remember fallen firefighters and Fire Captain Jim “Peet” Peterson to dedicate Fire Station 65 in his name.            

Peterson, who was born in December 12, 1962, lived his life in the Sacramento area and left a strong legacy both in the community at large and the Sac Metro Fire family. “We are here to provide a constant memorial,” said Fire Chief Todd Harms referring to, “the significance of fallen firefighters [which] cannot be minimized,” as he addressed a gathering of uniformed personnel, family and friends.

Beginning in 1983, “Peet” served as a first responder in various capacities throughout the Sacramento Fire District. Some of his many tasks included being stationed as a firefighter/paramedic in Citrus Heights, operating the HAZMAT unit in Carmichael at Fire Station 109, and also serving the Rancho Cordova and Gold River area from Fire Station 65 by training and specializing for water rescues along the American River.

Peterson is still well remembered by Sac Metro Fire crews for having an upbeat attitude, an eagerness to help and for creating strong bonds within the Sacramento Metro Firefighters Association. During those 25 years, he demonstrated an aptitude and character for community service and mentoring academy recruits, which led to his eventual promotion to Sac Metro Fire Captain in March of 2008.

Unfortunately, Peterson never did officiate as captain due to a diagnosis of bladder cancer the same year of his promotion. In his last day, his crew, who appreciated him very much, honored the Fire Captain by giving him a heartfelt farewell ride in his captain’s seat on board E109 during a special shift.

On December 15, 2008, Peterson passed away at the relatively young age of 46 years from the job related illness, which is recognized as a Line of Duty Death (LODD).

He is survived by his sons Firefighter/Paramedic Cody Peterson, Garth Peterson, as well as his wife, retired Fire Captain Tracey Valentine.

Source: Sac Metro Fire