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Carmichael Times

#RanchoCordovaInspires Celebrates Community

Apr 15, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Alexxiss Diaz, City of Rancho Cordova

RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) - In the last few weeks, while under the state and county government orders to stay at home, Rancho Cordovans have come together to help the community by volunteering to fill needed gaps. The Rancho Cordova community has been working to stay connected and help flatten the curve to mitigate the spread of COVID-19/coronavirus.

In the past few weeks, Rancho Cordova resident, Maggie Parsons, M.D., in partnership with the Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society, showed how the community can remedy the surgical mask shortage for medical personnel by making and donating surgical masks. Dr. Parsons saw a need and came up with a creative solution for protecting healthcare workers.

J.J. Pfister Distilling Company and Gold River Distillery have each begun producing and selling hand sanitizer instead of their usual gin, vodka, rum and brandy. In addition to selling the hand sanitizer, they also have plans to distribute some for free to certain communities, such as the homeless. 

Fulfilling critical healthcare needs has become essential for the community, and in response, ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc. of Rancho Cordova announced that they are working on developing a new rapid testing kit for coronavirus. The kit is intended for professional use and would deliver results in less than 10 minutes. ThermoGenesis is working quickly to bring the COVID-19 test kits to the professional medical community in the United States.

Although the stay-at-home orders have presented complications and uncertainty during these times, people are rallying around their skills to make a positive difference.

If you know of unique and inspiring ways Rancho Cordovans are coming together during this unprecedented time, share those stories on social media using the hashtag #RanchoCordovaInspires.

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