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Carmichael Times

Elder Kindness Gang Hits the Streets

May 13, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Patrick Larenas

The Elder Kindness Gang visited and brought cheer to a number of senior living facilities, including Áegis Living of Carmichael. Photo by Patrick Larenas

Elder Kindness Gang Hits the Streets [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - The COVID-19 virus outbreak and its subsequent lockdown has separated many from their loved ones and brought a heightened sense of awareness to the health vulnerabilities of seniors. In order to maintain a cheerful and elevated spirit, a compassionate group of caretakers called the Elder Kindness Gang created an automobile parade, driving by and honking at Sacramento area senior facilities, including Carmichael, on Wednesday, May 6th.

Showing support and solidarity in this tough time, Dot Boyd, Senior Safety Specialist, said the EKG wants “to show the community our big hearts in a very jubilant and boisterous way.”

Cynthia Newton of Nurse Next Door–Home Care Services said, “I love participating in the Kindness Car Parade because it brings so much joy to the Seniors, First Responders and the participants. … since we cannot visit these people in person.” Her pink Volkswagen Beetle decorated with yellow flowers was one of some twenty vehicles parading to touch some lonely hearts.

“Cars with supportive words, balloons, loud horns, bubbles, and smiling faces make up the EKG parade… giv[ing] anyone who is in or around its path, the reason to smile,” said Cynthia Driver of Live Well at Home. She explained that parading for seniors is a way to show that “we are in this together”.

The Kindness Car Parade was yet another way the kind-minded individuals of the Sacramento area took to action and would not let a pressing national situation take precedence over humaneness.