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Carmichael Times

Rep. Bera Statement on Death of George Floyd

Jun 17, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Travis Horne, Office of Congressman Ami Bera

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) – Congressman Ami Bera (D-CA) issued the following statement on the death of George Floyd and the resulting civil unrest in Sacramento and across the nation:

“The death of George Floyd at the hands of police brutality is unconscionable. His death has again brought to the forefront of the American conscience the systemic racism and inequities that members of the African American community face every day.

Thousands of Americans of different ages and races have marched across the country – and in our hometown of Sacramento – to demand justice for Mr. Floyd’s death and call for change to a system that for too long has left behind marginalized communities. For many communities of color, especially the African American community, their reality is a discriminatory criminal justice system, disparities in economic opportunity, education, and housing, and a global pandemic that disproportionately impacts their health.

I stand in solidarity with all those who are peacefully protesting and demanding change. Please know that your voice is important, and you are heard.

As your elected representative in Congress, I will continue to listen, learn, and advocate for policies that address police violence and racial inequities. I look forward to working with all community leaders across Sacramento to learn how we can better advocate for sustained change, and I will continue to engage with my colleagues in Congress and the Congressional Black Caucus to push for federal legislation to address police violence.

We must continue to have open, honest – and sometimes uncomfortable – conversations about race and inequality in America, and the steps we must take to get to lasting change. Together, we can begin to heal the wounds of racial injustice.”