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Carmichael Times

We Back the Blue!

Jul 09, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Seti Long

Ralliers unite to show their support of Law Enforcement Officers, including military and other first responders at Sunday's "Back the Blue"" rally. Pictured left to right: Sheryl Crater, who refused to put down the black, white and blue flag for the entire four hour rally

We Back the Blue! [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - Residents from Gridley and people from as far away as Yuba City and Williams turned out this Independence Day weekend to stand in support of our local law enforcement agencies and others’ nationwide.

The “Back the Blue” rally was the first of its kind held in Gridley. Organizer Holly Wood said that the inspiration for the rally was not hers alone.  “The seed was planted by members of the community,” she says and that she merely took the initiative to select a date and let the public know. 

Appropriately, Sunday, June 5th was chosen. Woods says, “What a great time - fourth of July weekend- for people to come together for our country, for our town, for our badges - to stand up.” With that, the rally came together simply and quickly. “People wanted this.” She says. “And there was no hesitation.”

Veterans, community members, retired law enforcement and the families of law enforcement gathered at the Heritage Oak shopping center and lined Hwy 99 in Gridley. Young and old, they waved Old Glory, black & blue striped flags, handmade signs and many wore patriotic garb. Passing traffic made their support known through loud horn blasts or screams from windows.

Of course, the group was also the target of some not-so-nice comments from passersby. At one point someone from a passing car yelled “Black lives Matter” to which, and not disagreeing with, one of the pro-blue retorted “So do the blue”.

That was one aspect of the “Back the Blue” rally that could be misconstrued, especially during our nation’s current social climate and current cries to “de-fund” police departments across the country. Many participants at Sunday’s rally felt that actively supporting law enforcement was crucial during these times and in the same turn, was not meant to downplay the importance of “Black Lives Matter” or other people of color’s battle for equal and civil treatment. For this group, supporting one cause did not equate to not supporting another.

Krissie and Sylvan Vierra’s sentiments reflected those of many in attendance. “I think this is really important to do. Our officers need to know they have support, our troops need to know they have support and not everyone wants to defund them,” said Krissie.  Sylvan added, “You know it’s hard to be a police officer nowadays… and you can’t judge all police by the actions of a few bad ones. I mean, without them, who you gonna call?”

Rally attendee, Gridley native, and retired police officer from Sutter County, Luis Ceja said, “Having been in law enforcement, I feel really sad and sometimes disgusted as to how law enforcement is being treated, how they try to diminish the effort – everything that goes into becoming a police officer.” Ceja spoke about extensive training, daily physical and mental strain on officers to do the right thing, successfully, and the pressure to accomplish it all without anyone getting hurt. He continues, “And they take one occasion, which was obviously wrong, and they paint the whole profession with a broad brush, forgetting everything that law enforcement is about.” They take an oath to protect and serve the public.

Regardless of any backlash, the blue-supporters proved that all had not lost faith in law enforcement. Although, and for many reasons, local law enforcement could not be in attendance or comment, their supporters at the “Back the Blue” rally are sure that they appreciated the gesture.