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Carmichael Times

State Farm's Community Service Efforts Donate to Food Bank

Jul 23, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Douglas A Brewer, State Farm

State Farm agents present a check to the Rancho Cordova Food Bank. From left to right: JD Snead, Tara Dietel and Doug Brewer. Photo provided by Doug Brewer

RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) - On July 8, 2020, Rancho Cordova State Farm agents, JD Snead, Tara Dietel and Doug Brewer each donated $500 to the Rancho Cordova Food Locker. These donations are part of State Farm’s Good Neighbor Community Fund which provides grants to community oriented charities and organizations. State Farm has a history of supporting local communities both financially and by the volunteer efforts of local State Farm agents across our country.

The current Good Neighbor Community Fund is part of State Farm’s unprecedented $4.2 billion in benefits provided to their customers and organizations such as the Rancho Cordova Food Locker in an effort to helps those negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.