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Carmichael Times

Residents Asked To Help Develop Disaster Mitigation Plan

Oct 08, 2020 12:00AM ● By Sacramento County Press Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) – Natural disasters whether forecasted or having the element of surprise can leave areas devastated for long periods. As the 2017 floods showed, rebounding can be costly and time consuming. It is possible to reduce that impact before disaster strikes, but to do that requires having a well-developed Hazard Mitigation Plan in place. That plan provides guidance before anything occurs, as well as a roadmap to help get people back on their feet.

Sacramento County is updating its 2021 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) to develop a long-term strategy for reducing disaster losses. The County is teaming with cities and several special districts to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements to ensure eligibility for FEMA pre- and post-disaster grant funding along with receiving lower costs of flood insurance to residents through the National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS).

The County is looking for residents to take an active role in developing the 2021 LHMP. No specific background is required. Residents would attend community meetings, and review a draft plan to provide important feedback. Their knowledge of the needs of area neighborhoods will provide the County and its partners with a better vision of potential issues that might occur if a natural disaster strikes.

The 2016 LHMP was vital in the County receiving FEMA funding to assist with Sacramento County residents living in flood prone areas to receive discounts of up to 40% off their flooding insurance. The County plan also helped secure money for the Sacramento County Home Elevation Program for residents in flood prone areas to raise their homes above the flood elevation level in which FEMA would pay 75% of the cost. To date, two homes are in the process of being elevated above the flood plain.

This preparation for unforeseen disasters will lay the groundwork for successfully coming through them if they strike. The County will be hosting online public meetings about the 2021 LHMP. For more information, and to obtain the Zoom link for the meetings, please visit our Local Hazard Mitigation Plan webpage at