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Q&A with City Engineer Leslie Blomquist on New City-Wide Trail

Mar 11, 2021 12:00AM ● By City of Citrus Heights

The trail project will provide connections between eight communities, several schools, shopping centers, and neighborhoods along the corridor. Photo: City of Citrus Heights

Q&A with City Engineer Leslie Blomquist on New City-Wide Trail [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - What is the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail Project?

The Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail Project is a 2.9-mile proposed multi-use trail that largely follows an existing Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) electric transmission corridor. The trail will span between the Arcade Creek Park Preserve to the west and Wachtel Way to the east, crossing over Arcade Creek and Cripple Creek.

This project will provide connections between eight community parks (including the new Mitchell Village Park), several schools, shopping centers, and neighborhoods along the corridor. This effort is part of the City’s overall goal to increase walkability and safety, and provide improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists throughout a system of creekside trails, passive open space, and parks.

This project is a partnership between the City of Citrus Heights, Sunrise Recreation and Park District (SRPD), Orangevale Recreation and Park District (OVPD), San Juan Unified School District (SJUSD), Sacramento County, and SMUD.

What is the project timeline and next steps?
The project is currently in the final design and property owner coordination phase. The City has hired a consultant team, led by GHD, to assist in this phase of the project. Trail construction is anticipated in 2021/2022.

What percent of the overall funding for the project is coming from the City's general fund?None. The Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail project is primarily funded by grant funds, with an approximate 10-12% match coming from local transportation funds. 

What are some of the safety elements of this project?
While in this final design phase, we are thinking through lighting, open sight distances, fencing, and landscaping options to provide safety along the trail, while balancing impacts on the community. We will be upgrading the bridge in the Sundance Natural Area over Arcade Creek, as it is outdated by both Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and FEMA floodway design criteria. We are also installing a new bridge over Cripple Creek in the Woodside Open Space. Both bridges will provide accessibility, allow a clear passage for wildlife and debris in the creek, reduce flood risks, and more.

Are there concerns related to homeless camps along the trail?
Questions around homeless camps and safety should be directed to the Citrus Heights Police Department. However, we know that in general the homeless population prefers to be in areas that are hidden from public view. Currently, portions of the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail corridor are overgrown or otherwise not visible to the general public which can result in homeless camps or other related activities. The construction of the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail will reduce overgrown vegetation and introduce legitimate trail users to the corridor which will discourage homeless activity. In addition, by improving the trail the Citrus Heights Police Department, Sacramento Sheriff’s Department, and the Fulton-El Camino Recreation and Park District’s Police Division will have improved access to the corridor allowing regular patrols and improved ability to respond. 

In 2013, Sunrise Recreation and Park District constructed the Arcade Creek Park Preserve including a 1/3-mile multi-use trail. The park was constructed on land that was formerly overgrown and heavily used by the homeless population. As part of the construction of the project, the overgrown areas were cleaned up and legitimate trail and park users introduced to the park. As a result, the homeless population moved away from the park and the park continues to be heavily used by families, trail users and children. 

Will the new KB Homes development (Mitchell Village) be able to access this trail?
Yes, the Mitchell Village community will be able to connect to the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail on the northwest corner of the development, travel along an easement through the SMUD substation property, and into the back side of Tempo Community Park.

What are the community impacts of the trail?
This trail project focuses on safety and connectivity while minimizing impacts on our community. We have paid special attention to the tree removal impacts of the project, as we know this is of specific concern to Citrus Heights and Orangevale residents.  In fact, since our initial plan, the design team has already worked to reduce the amount of trees that will be impacted by 60% – and we are committed to reducing the number even further! The project will also replant trees along the trail corridor and in nearby parks. These replacement trees will be monitored by an arborist for three years following installation to ensure they are able to thrive. We take our “Tree City USA” designation seriously!

To learn more about the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail Project in Citrus Heights, visit