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Carmichael Times

Celebrating Easter

Apr 08, 2021 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

The Cantrell family enjoyed Christian services at Carmichael's Crossroads Church.

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - The Easter Bunny made many Carmichael visits last weekend. Carmichael Park District assisted the bouncing egg bearer with home deliveries for nearly 50 families on Friday. CRPD then joined forces with Mission Oaks District and Carmichael Kiwanians for a drive-through car hop on Saturday. The bunny trail followed COVID-safe protocols on a sedate route through Carmichael Park. Roadside booths provided treats for children and -- at the end of the trail -- a giant lop-eared lapin handed Easter eggs through the windows of about 80 cars.

Hundreds enjoyed Christian festivities on Sunday at Crossroads Church. The Grant Avenue establishment offered outdoor Easter services, with refreshments under canopy in the church yard. An egg hunt for more than 100 kids followed worship. Parishioners sponsored 1600 candy-filled treasures and a scrambled egg brunch for congregation and guests.