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Carmichael Times

Anyone for Pavilion Painting?

Jun 03, 2021 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

Boy Scout Troop 328 and friends volunteer for a painting job in Carmichael Park. Supervisors are Braden Bill (left) and Mike Rockenstein (right).

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - A few cans of paint and a half a dozen Boy Scouts were all it took to lick a Carmichael Park tennis pavilion into shape last weekend. The 11-year-olds – and siblings – worked toward citizenship merit badges that require at least eight hours of community work.

Supervised by assistant Scout Master Braden Bill and Carmichael Park Board Chair Michael Rockenstein, Carmichael’s Troop 328 volunteers scampered up ladders and sloshed paint around. The Scouts plan several more park maintenance projects to fulfill their requisite volunteer hours. Park District Administrator Mike Blondino later pronounced the spruced-up shelter to be “looking realty great.”

Supervisor and dad Michael Rockenstein reported that the kids enjoyed the work. “Helping the park district is a great way for Scouts to receive service time,” he said. “They love working with brushes and rollers. Their paint job was even, there were no spills and the boys cleaned up beautifully after the job.”

For info on Troop 328 visit BSA Troop 328 Carmichael on Facebook.