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Carmichael Times

Wall of Honor Gains 15th Hero

Nov 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Carmichael and Fair Oaks communities will this Saturday (November 6) recall fallen heroes of nation and community. The event will this year add a 15th name to Patriots Park Wall of Honor. Almost 48 years after his death, Corporal Bruce Verhoeven will be inducted for the act of courage that cost his life.

In December 1973, the 10-year Sheriff’s Department veteran responded to a robbery-in-progress in a Gemco store on Fulton Avenue and Alta Arden Way. Fleeing the store, an armed suspect hid in a nearby apartment building. Verhoeven cordoned off an area to prevent his escape but, fearing bystanders might be injured, he left cover and ordered the suspect to drop his gun. The suspect opened fire and killed the 32-year-old officer.

Corporal Verhoeven was awarded a posthumous Sheriff’s Department Medal of Valor for this act of bravery. He is recalled with a street named in his honor in the Sheriff’s Academy grounds, Carmichael.  

A plaque honoring him has joined memorials to other fallen heroes on the stone wall central to Patriots Park. Built in 2008, the monument is dedicated to military, police, CHP and fire-fighting veterans who died serving nation or neighborhood during Carmichael Park District’s existence.  

The community pays tribute to the heroes each November. Anyone may attend the ceremony at 10 AM, at 6827 Palm Avenue, Fair Oaks.