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Carmichael Times

Kindergarten Project is Now Underway for Winter

Nov 05, 2021 12:00AM ● By SBSK Press Release

SBSK delivers a double-fleece blanket and a Beanie Baby in a fleece pouch to EVERY kindergartener in the last week of school before winter break. Photo provided by SBSK

Kindergarten Project is Now Underway for Winter [4 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) – This wintertime, you can help local kids stay warm and join the efforts of Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids in “Kindergarten Project” by making handmade blankets for children to be given out this December 13th.

Every December, we choose the lowest income Title 1 schools and find out in October how many kindergarteners they have. Then the last week of school before winter break, we deliver a double-fleece blanket and a Beanie Baby in a fleece pouch to EVERY kindergartener! Some of these kids sleep in their cars! For most, this is all they get for the holidays and our volunteers want to ensure kids have a beautiful experience for the holidays.

SBSK has been doing Kindergarten Project for 9 years now and has been expanding its reach to low income schools in the Sacramento Region every winter. The first year we were able to reach 6 schools.  This year, we can reach 27 schools – over 1,800 blankets and Beanie Babies!  We always hope to add more schools each year. 

Now that the holiday season is here, retailers, such as Joann’s, offer huge discount on their Blankets for Sacramento Kids kits, which you can put together with no sewing or specialized skills. We have people of all ages contributing from girl scouts to seniors.

If you have a Beanie Baby or have a huge collection of Beanie Babies and wish to do something meaningful for others, especially for kids, now is your opportunity. If anyone would like to donate Beanie Babies to this project or join us in making blankets for this special Kindergarten Project, they can email Claire Gliddon at [email protected]

The Kindergarten Project is wildly popular and the more low-income kindergarteners we can reach, the better chance of realizing school is a cool place!

Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids (SBSK) is a nonprofit organization that makes handmade blankets all year round for children in need in Sacramento and Placer Counties, as well as for State emergencies (fires, floods) and National emergencies (9/11, Katrina).